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News and Announcements

Saving the Turtles: Sea Turtle Conservation and Volunteer Information

August 04, 2020

The three widely loved sea turtle sculptures have been relocated from Daniel Island Waterfront Park to the following parks: Scott Park, Codner’s Ferry Park, and Barfield Park. Make it a fun family outing and go find the turtles in their new homes, have your photo taken with them and post on social media. Let’s start a hashtag – #DITurtles

The POA is challenging island children to name the sea turtles! It could be a fun, meaningful name that is indigenous to Daniel Island or to the park that is now their new home. Please email your ideas to or

Since we all love our Daniel Island sea turtle sculptures, let us take this opportunity to express our appreciation by working harder to save the real, local loggerheads. Please see the below information on local conservation efforts to save the turtles, read about what you can do to help save them as well as volunteering and donating.

Local Facts on Loggerheads:

Did you know that South Carolina’s Cape Romain is a wildlife refuge working to help Loggerhead Sea Turtles? Loggerheads are protected under the Endangered Species Act, and Cape Romain is doing their part to help in their recovery. Cape Island (within Cape Romain) is home to the largest nesting population of turtles within the northern subpopulation of the southeastern loggerhead sea turtle. Cape Island is the northernmost barrier island in the refuge and is situated between the Santee Delta and Bulls Bay along the north central South Carolina coast.

Did you know?

Facts About Loggerhead Sea Turtles

  • Common Name: Loggerhead – named for its exceptionally large head
  • Scientific Name: Caretta caretta
  • Description: Carapace is a reddish-brown with a yellowish-brown plastron. Hatchlings have a dark-brown carapace with flippers pale brown on margins.
  • Size/Weight: The Loggerhead can measure up to 1.1 meters (3.5 ft) long when fully grown and can weigh approximately 135 kilograms (300 lb).

Click HERE to read more about the Cape Romain conservation efforts.

What can you do to help to save the sea turtles?

Did you know?

Sea Turtles will eat plastic bags and other plastics because they think they are jellyfish. This can make the turtles sick and die. Do your part to keep our coastal waterways clean and debris free!

  • Click HERE to learn what actions you can take to help save sea turtles.
  • Click HERE to the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Sea Turtle Nesting Information.

Volunteer and Donation Opportunities:

  • Have you heard of the Sea Turtle Guardian program at The South Carolina Aquarium? It is perfect for sea turtle enthusiasts who want to support sea turtle conservation and also get access to exclusive, behind-the-scenes content straight from the hospital. Plus, Guardians can partake in a monthly ZOOM call with one of their sea turtle biologists! Check out how to become a Guardian HERE.
  • Consider joining Coastal Expeditions in one of their efforts to raise funds for the loggerheads. The Beach Drop for Sea Turtles raised $14,000 for Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge! Click HERE.
  • Make a donation to CAST (Citizen Activists for Sea Turtles) and 100% of the funds will be used towards the sea turtle program in Cape Romain.

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