Now is a great time for everyone to review the pool rules. Please make sure that you have your pool fobs that were distributed to property owners last year. These fobs are property specific, small grey circular devices that grant you access to the pools when they are open. Each Daniel Island Community Association (DICA) property owner is given 2 complimentary fobs. If you are a new property owner in DICA, the previous owner should have left you the fobs at your property. If the fobs were left with you at the property, please bring them by the POA office at 130 River Landing Drive to get them switched into your name. If there were no fobs left at the property, you can come to the POA office pick up your 2 complimentary fobs.
All Daniel Island Park Association (DIPA) and Daniel Island Town Association (DITA) members can purchase an annual pool membership to gain access to the Pierce Park Pool, Scott Park Pool and Edgefield Pool. This membership is good for 1 year. Members will receive 1 fob that will grant access to all 3 pools during pool season. Please click HERE to view our membership application.
All lost or physically damaged fobs are $50/fob to replace.
The Pierce Park Pool will be opening for use beginning Friday, March 24th. The Scott Park Pool will follow opening on Friday, April 7th. At this time, we do not have an opening date for the Edgefield Pool. Please refrain from entering the facility including the attached building as construction is ongoing.