According to the SCDHEC website, as of 11:59 PM on Saturday, July 11th – Charleston county had a total of 7,552 COVID-19 cases reported. Find up to date information HERE.
Our POA staff is working to stop the spread of COVID-19 by staying at least 6ft apart from non-family members, wearing a mask in public spaces and when we cannot effectively social distance and by continuing to disinfect all touch surfaces at our facilities and homes.
Remind your children and teens about the importance of social distancing and wearing a mask, not only for them, but for their family members and friends to. You can find helpful tips on the CDC website HERE.
We want to thank all who are complying with our mask regulations at the DICA pools! We understand that is not the ideal situation, but we appreciate your help in flattening the curve.
Read original notice below:
With COVID-19 cases rising in our area, and several pool users refusing to comply with the City mask ordinance, the POA is forced to enact a stricter policy regarding mask wearing at the community pools (Pierce Park, Scott Park and Edgefield Park). While the City ordinance has exceptions for certain criteria, the Daniel Island Community Association can exercise it’s authority to be more restrictive than the ordinance.
Starting tomorrow, Friday, 7/10/2020, residents refusing to wear a mask or face covering upon entering any pool facility, exiting any pool facility or in pool facility restrooms will not be allowed entry. Children under the age of 10 are exempt. This stricter policy is for the safety of all residents who wish to enjoy the pools.
A significant portion (41%) of community association pools across the country have not opened at all this season because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Along with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state and local requirements and the Community Associations Institute which provides education, resources and best practice information to HOA/POA’s across the country who govern community associations, Daniel Island, like many other communities, are following similar tightened mask restrictions in their communities.
Please be respectful of your Daniel Island neighbors and bring your own mask or face covering to the pools and follow the policy as outlined above so everyone can enjoy the amenities as safely as possible.