The POA has become increasingly concerned over the past several weeks about the number of kids and even adults that are coming to Captain’s Island (near the end of Rhoden Island Drive in Daniel Island Park) to jump off the bridge into the creek. On many occasions, staff and residents have witnessed this activity. We want our families on Daniel Island, including our kids, to know that there is a great potential for major injury by jumping off the bridge to Captain’s Island.
While the City of Charleston Police Department and the Daniel Island POA cannot legally prohibit anyone from jumping off the bridge, we can enforce any trespassing onto POA or privately owned property. This enforcement is a direct result of increased vandalism, littering, and loitering on private property from bridge jumping traffic. There are presently (4) “No Trespassing” signs on all corners of the bridge, as well as, “No Trespassing” signs on the privately owned Captain’s Island boat dock. The intent is to bring awareness of potential injury that could result from jumping off of the bridge and reduce the amount of property damage to these areas, which affects property owners. For example, at low tide, the depth could be as low as 5 feet and the creeks contain numerous oyster beds, and alligators. In addition, unanticipated passing boats can lead to severe jumper injury.
We are pleading with you to please speak to your children about this dangerous activity as you are our frontline of defense in eliminating any potential major injury and vandalism by teaching your children about this danger.