We know fawns are cute, but please do not disturb them.
It’s that time of year when mother deer leave their babies in safe locations while they find food and rest. She’s likely not far away and will return to get her baby soon.
It’s part of nature’s plan for a doe deer to leave her fawn or fawns alone for their first few weeks of life. This unusual maternal action is because the fawn is better protected away from the doe at this age, as the doe is a more visible target for predators.
After brief periods of feeding and grooming her fawn, a doe will spend much of her day feeding and resting somewhat removed from her young. The fawn ordinarily stays bedded down as if sleeping but will occasionally move short distances to new bedding sites.
Fawns are born during April, May, and June in South Carolina and will begin daily movements with their mother about three to four weeks after birth.
If you notice a dead doe near the fawn, please locate an experienced wildlife rehabilitator or call the SCDNR at 803-734-3886 (Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM -5:00 PM) or the RadioRoom (803-955-4000) after hours.
**This information was sourced from SCDNR.