Due to the Daniel Island Kids Triathlon, we ask residents of the following streets to please NOT park on the street and avoid travel Saturday, June 26th, from 7:00 AM to 10:30 AM. There will be a number of children running and biking down these streets during the triathlon. Please DO NOT PARK ON THESE STREETS to ensure the safety of our youth participants and your cars.
The streets included are:
- Pierce Street – from Jenys Street to Smythe Street – from Gibbon Street to Blakeway Street
- Daniel Island Drive – Belin Lane to Smythe Street
- Smythe Street – All of Smythe Street
- Oak Overhang Street – All of Oak Overhang
- Purcell Lane – From Daniel Island Drive to Pierce Street
- Grand Council – from Gibbon Street to Blakeway
- Seven Farms Drive – from the Circle at Cochran Street to Etiwan Park Street (access to the Self Storage will be blocked for a period of time)
Race Day Exit Routes:
- Residents who live on Bulline, Jenys Street, Beekman, Doldridge, and Purcell Lane will be able to leave the Island by taking Bennett Stock Lane to Jenys Street. Take a Left onto Pierce St and a right onto Barfield and continue to Daniel island Drive.
- Blakeway Street will be open for all Smythe Park residents on the school side of Daniel Island Dr.
- Barfield Residents will be able to access Daniel Island Drive by heading north via Barfield Street.
- Center Park Residents will be able to leave using Etiwan Park Street.
- Smythe Park Residents and Edgefield Park Residents will be able to leave using Wando Landing Street. Take a right on Daniel Island Drive and then a left onto Smythe St. You will then take a right onto Settlers St. and left onto Barfield St. There may be delays taking this exit route. Please be patient as the race staff will do their best to assist you while keeping the bikers safe. You may need to wait a few minutes until the route is clear.
- Please consult the attached Triathlon Race Map (below) to plan your best exit.
The Pool at Pierce Park will also be closed from 7 AM to 11 AM for this event. Residents are encouraged to visit the Scott Park or Edgefield Park pools during this time.
For more information please contact Jen Nelsen at 843-216-6366 or nelsenj@charleston-sc.gov
Thank you for your help!
Triathlon Race Map (download)