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News and Announcements

Lawn and Landscaping Maintenance

August 28, 2024

The Daniel Island Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (governing documents) and the Daniel Island ARB Design Guidelines state (in part) that each Owner shall maintain their lawn and landscaping to be consistent with the community-wide standard. The owner shall keep and maintain the exterior of any and all improvements in a neat, attractive, and safe condition. Modifications to your landscaping need to be approved by the DI ARB office prior to the installation or removal of plant materials.

In order to provide some parameters or guidelines for our owners, the following community standards are the responsibility of all owners as it relates to lawn and landscaping maintenance.

Lawn and Landscape Standards

  1. Grass lawns are to be maintained in a uniform and consistent manner and appearance. Grassed areas should be fertilized, weeded, and watered such that the lawn is uniformly green and cut and maintained throughout the growing season, every week to 10 days, and then as needed during the rest of the year. During all seasons, including the dormant season, the lawn area should be kept free of weeds.
  2. Grass should be mowed, and edged, and should not overlap any concrete surfaces on the property (curbs, sidewalks, driveways, porches, or patios) or in mulched areas or gardens.
  3. Mulched areas and gardens should be kept free of weeds and wild brush/volunteers. Weeds should be controlled on all lot exterior surfaces, including the lawn itself.
  4. Dead or burnt grass should be replaced with sod consistent with the surrounding grass in the yard in front, rear, and side yards. If lack of sunlight is causing the grass to die, on a case-by-case basis, ground cover plants or mulch may be substituted with prior ARB approval.
  5. Bare soil or dirt is not permitted, except in active planting beds or cultivated gardens. All lawn space should be covered with approved sod, groundcover plants, mulch, or pine straw. Mulch or pine straw should be replenished at least annually to maintain a consistent and aesthetically pleasing appearance, using pine straw or mulch. Per the ARB Design Guidelines, only natural-colored mulch is allowed.
  6. Shrubs, bushes, and trees planted along building foundations should be approved by the DI ARB office before initial installation or modification to the existing landscaping.
  7. Shrubs, trees, bushes, vines, and plants should be maintained and pruned as necessary in a manner that is appropriate and customary for that specific plant material.
  8. Street trees are located in the right-of-way area (between the curb and sidewalk) and are maintained by the City of Charleston. Owners must contact the City for any maintenance requests. Homeowner trees, located on your property that are non-street trees, that may need removal or major pruning, need prior approval from the DI ARB office.
  9. All concrete surfaces (sidewalks, driveways, steps, porches, and façade of home) should be cleaned as reasonably necessary to remove mold, mildew, and other organic growth.
  10. Lawn and landscaping maintenance standards pertain to all areas of the front, rear, and side yards. The area between the curb and the street is commonly known as the right of way and is maintained by the owner. An irrigation system helps maintain lawn and landscape areas in healthy condition.
  11. If a landscape contractor is being used, please have them remove the debris with them when they leave. The property owner is responsible for their hired contractor and must inform them of the rules and regulations.
  12. All lots should be in compliance with the DI ARB Design Guidelines and Daniel Island CC&Rs.

Thank you for maintaining your lawn and landscape which preserves the desired look and increases the property value of your home – it’s a win-win for you as the owner as well as for the entire Daniel Island community.

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