With the upcoming, exciting Jimmy Buffett concert on May 11, 2017, the Daniel Island Town Association wanted to give our property owners and business owners a brief update on the City of Charleston rules regarding special events.
1. Tailgating
For the Jimmy Buffett concert, tailgating is only allowed at the Volvo Car Stadium in the VIP parking lot starting at 5:00 PM. Tickets for special VIP parking have already been sold out. City of Charleston ordinance section 3-31 prohibits persons possessing or consuming alcoholic beverages on streets, sidewalks, parks (including Governors Park), playgrounds, alleys, public ways, or upon any private parking lot that is open for the public’s use, without a permit from the Chief of Police/Special Events Committee.
2. Events on Private Property
Events on private property that have at least 250 people, alcohol and impact on-street parking must obtain a special event permit from the City of Charleston at least 90 days in advance of the event.
We look forward to this being an enjoyable experience for all, as all of the special events on Daniel Island and at the Volvo Car Stadium have been in the past. If you have any specific questions regarding the special events permit process please email Stella Fruit with the City of Charleston fruits@charleston-sc.gov.